Friday, November 14, 2014

My Visual Poem

In G.T Our next thrilling assignment was a visual poem. My visual poem was about being determined and not giving up. Most of the visuals I used were about a fear (the dark shots) and a challenge, and what it's meant to say is that you have to be determined or you wont accomplish getting over a fear or overcoming a challenge.

I didn't really put in any effects except for one generated screen, and that was supposed to show a blooming sort of feel. It was also to help understand that part better.

My final result was ok, but I probably could have made it a lot better if I was at school when my class was doing the project. I was sick at home with a fever for that whole week and so I had to do it after everyone else finished. I had to come in at recesses to work on it to get it done as soon as I could. If I wasn't trying to rush I could have been able to get better shots and edit it a little better.


  1. Awesome theme and well written poem. One thing that could be improved was the audio, you could turn down your music, because I couldn't really hear you. You had a lot of well filmed and applicable B-Roll. Awesome job Haley!

  2. Great job! I like your title! You could of turned down the volume of the background music so we can hear you clearly. Other than that Great job!

  3. Your your music matched your poem pretty well, nice job. Some of the shots were a bit blurry though... Nice text layovers and shot types, as well!

    1. There wasn't supposed to be a second "your" there good job, Hannah.

  4. I really liked your topic.
    Maybe next time turn up your audio a little and turn down you background music.
    Great job all together!

  5. I liked how you had a lot of different b-roll.
    I think your background music was a little louder than your voiceover.
    I also liked your intro.

  6. Great music great shots, love the struggle acts. Maybe focus more on some shots and turn down the music so we can hear you better. Cool voice over audio :D.

  7. i liked the b-roll and the poem was inspiring.
    it was kind of hard to hear.
    ERMERGERD so cute. the music matched the poem well too.

  8. Your poem had had a nice feel of inspiration
    Your voice was a bit soft in some parts of the poem, or your music was a bit loud
    Your B-Roll was nicely matched with what you were saying

  9. Awesome work Haley! I really liked your music choice in this one because it really matches the theme of the poem and it makes me feel that I can do anything! One thing I suggest is to either lower down your music audio or your A-Roll because your voice was really hard to hear through the drums. However, your voice had a lot of emotions and I hoped to hear more of it! Your poem was very unique and I feel it can reach out to many people. Good work Haley!

  10. I liked the poem it was very inspiring.
    Your Music was too loud making in hard to hear you. Also, your B-role could have ben more clear.
    Great affects and overall it was very well done!!

  11. Nice B-roll. Some b-roll was not necessary. Nice clear poem easy to hear

  12. I liked the emotion that you had in your video and voiceover. Most of your shots were blurry or grainy. Your visuals matched your poem.

    Your poem was very good, I liked how motivational it was.
    You had a brief moment in the end where other audio flowed through, but that may have been on purpose.
    Your B-Roll matched well, and I liked your effects and different shot types you took. Great job!

  14. Mandy's so cute :) GREAT sequencing!!! Music was a little to overpowering for me. Great overall poem b-roll and acting.

  15. Good job! I liked how you got shots and clips at a lot of different places. Some shots were a little out of focus. Your voiceover was very easy to understand.

  16. - I liked how you filmed most of the video outside of school.
    - Maybe you could've filmed b-roll that made more sense. I was confused why you were walking in the dark with a flashlight.

  17. Great sound.
    you had a few out of focus shots.
    great B-roll.

  18. I liked how you left in the laugh at the end. Your music overcomes your voiceover, maybe even out your audio levels. The visuals you used matched your poem.

  19. 1.) I really liked how you had a lot of interesting angle shots!
    2.) I think you could have lowered the music because it was a little hard to hear your voice!
    3.) Great job; I really liked how you included the b-roll's audio at the end of your sister's laugh... it was really cute!

  20. The music made the poem even more motivative.
    Some of the shots were hard to see.
    There could have been more b-roll, but over all it was good.

  21. Good job on the voiceover its very clear and easy to understand. Most of the B-roll shots were dark and it was hard to see.Good use of the effects.

  22. Nice job Haley! The poem was very inspirational! It was read very clearly!
    The audio could be adjusted.
    The B-Roll angles were awesome!
    Nice job Haley! XD

  23. Love the story and also the translations of the story and there was no movement of the camera.
    If i was making this video i would put more pictures.
    over all i love your video.


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