Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Lessons Learned

For this project that Mr. Sanderl assigned the class for HikiNo is actually more fun than I thought it was going to be. I think the most interesting part of this project would probably have to be, filming our b-roll and interviews. We had to go to one the their performances at the Marriot and it was AWESOME!!!!!!

I think the biggest roadblock for our team so far would have to be checking our schedules and meeting up together to film. With everyone being so busy, but we were able to meet up all together at least once. And that went perfectly fine, I'm glad we were able to get what we needed.

I think the most valuable part of this filming process would probably have to be the flow of every shot and how the film is put together. I think that's the most valuable part of this filming process because you basically don't want your audience to get lost and not know what's going on. Plus if we get a good flow and process of all our films really good, we're more closer to being on channel 9.


  1. I really like how you were desciptive with this blog. Nice behind the scene shots!

  2. I love your groups story, it's amazing! I also really like your blog and how you keep it well organized. Well done!


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