What music video song did your team pick and why?
Explain the visual story that your music video will tell.
Cite Musician & Screenshot Production Plan
XD XD XD XD XD XD I AM SOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!! You know why? Cause it's time for MUSIC VIDEOS! This has always been my favorite part of GT. To get started I want to talk about my favorite song... I don't have one... I feel like there is something wrong with me! Why don't I have a favorite song you ask? Because there are so many songs that are awesome as fudge, and I can't just pick one as my favorite! I guess if I had to pick one it would be something from Journey, or Queen... (Yes I listen to them. Don't judge me. XP) I guess my favorite could be, um... "Open Arms" by Journey maybe. The song lyrics make me feel like the song was written from the heart and is to me. So that's that! For the project, my team picked a Japanese song titled, "Crossing Field" because it's upbeat and unique that we chose a Japanese song. (Again, don't judge...)
For our music video we chose the song "Crossing Field" by LiSA. It is the first opening song to Sword Art Online (if you know that anime). Our team chose this song because we wanted to do a music video with a Japanese song to make ours original and unique. We also wanted the song to be upbeat. Other than those reasons and that it had a do-able story with it, we had no exact reason for choosing this song. :)
As for our story for the music video, we don't really have a good idea of what it is... Our team has changed it so many times, none of us know exactly what the story line is. Though a vague idea of what we're trying to tell in our music video is that a group of people (our team) who were depressed, shy, a loner, and worrisome would come together. They would become friends, becoming happy and joyful!

Our team's story board, I know, its pretty bad.

And our team trying to brain storm a story (at the bottom), never let us brainstorm, it will not turn out good... As you can see... Ok Bye!
For our music video we chose the song "Crossing Field" by LiSA. It is the first opening song to Sword Art Online (if you know that anime). Our team chose this song because we wanted to do a music video with a Japanese song to make ours original and unique. We also wanted the song to be upbeat. Other than those reasons and that it had a do-able story with it, we had no exact reason for choosing this song. :)
As for our story for the music video, we don't really have a good idea of what it is... Our team has changed it so many times, none of us know exactly what the story line is. Though a vague idea of what we're trying to tell in our music video is that a group of people (our team) who were depressed, shy, a loner, and worrisome would come together. They would become friends, becoming happy and joyful!

Our team's story board, I know, its pretty bad.

And our team trying to brain storm a story (at the bottom), never let us brainstorm, it will not turn out good... As you can see... Ok Bye!
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